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Engine: 5.4L (8-327), 6-230
Engine: 4.2L (6-258)Exhaust Manifold To Down Pipe Stud
w/ Flanged Catalytic Converter
Engine: 5.9L (V8-360), 6.6L (V8-401)Position: RightRight Exhaust Manifold Stud 2 Required
Engine: 5.9L (V8-360), 6.6L (V8-401)Position: LeftLeft Exhaust Manifold Stud 2 Required
Engine: 4.2LIncludes Manifold and Gaskets
If without emission use plug part number G444618 (6 plugs needed) Hollander #1158
Engine: 4.2LWith 4.2L (6-258) Engine Without Emissions Pump Includes Exhuast Manifold, Exhaust Manifold To Cylinder Head Gasket, and Intake To Exhaust Manifold Gasket,
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• Required.